PE and Sport Premium
Sports grant summary
The Government was providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for the academic years 2013 to 2017 to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – was allocated to primary school headteachers. This funding has been extended and increased for the academic year 2017-18 and 2018-19.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
How it benefits our school
Please click on the link below for the impact report for Horrington Primary School for 2022-2023
Please click on the link below for the impact report for Horrington Primary School for 2021-2022
Please click on the link below for the impact report for Horrington Primary School for 2020-2021
Please click on the link below for the impact report for Horrington Primary School for 2019-20
Please click on the link below for the impact report for Horrington Primary School for 2018-19
For 2017-18, the grant will be used to employ an external sports coach to deliver specific programmes in school for pupils with co-ordination difficulties or for pupils who find PE lessons difficult, and to work with Gifted and talented pupils. To ensure the provision meets the needs of the learners, ‘Learn to move, move to learn’ training will be provided for the external sports coach. The coach will also continue to oversee the school’s pupil play-leading programme and ‘Young Sports Leader’ programme. Individual training for staff members will be facilitated, as required, to ensure high quality PE lessons across the school. Some of the money will be used to update PE equipment for gymnastics and Forest School. PE funding will enable the morning exercise programmes for all pupils before the start of the school day, additional tennis and cricket coaching in the summer term, subscription to Mendip Athletics club for cross-country and additional staffing required for off-site swimming lessons. To ensure PE developments in the school are planned, monitored, evaluated and are sustainable over time, supply cover is provided to enable senior staff to work alongside the PE lead teacher. The additional funding this year will be used to fund Phase 1 of our Active Playground project.
For this academic year, the grant will be used to monitor PE lessons with SASP and then update/ refresh the training of all staff in the school (teachers, teaching assistants and some lunch staff) as required to ensure the delivery of high quality PE lessons using the ‘real PE’ Create Development programme. The lead members of staff will also attend Day 3 of the ‘real PE’ training aimed at ensuring quality provision in the school. The school will employ an external sports coach to deliver specific programmes in school for pupils with co-ordination difficulties or who find PE lessons difficult and to work with Gifted and talented pupils. The external coach will also oversees the school’s pupil play-leading programme and is planning to introduce a ‘Young Sports Leader’ programme. Individual training for staff embers will be offered to widen the sports clubs available at the school e.g. gymnastics coaching qualification. Some of the money will be used to update PE equipment to ensure high quality PE provision. PE funding will enable the morning ‘Run Around the World’ exercise for all pupils before the start of the school day, additional tennis and cricket coaching in the summer term, subscription to Mendip Althletics club for cross-country and additional staffing required for off-site swimming lessons. To ensure PE developments in the school are planned, monitored, evaluated and are sustainable over time, supply cover is provided to enable senior staff to work alongside the PE lead teacher.
For this academic year, the grant will be used to train all staff in the school (teachers, teaching assistants and some lunch staff) to deliver PE lessons using the ‘real PE’ Create Development programme. The training will involve 2 training days for the PE lead teacher and a full day training for the staff. All resources for the programme will also be included in the package. In addition, the school have purchased 5 additional days with the SASP coaches to co-deliver lessons, observe lessons and give feedback and to provide support for the PE lead in planning, implementing and evaluating whole school developments. SASP will also provide the pupil play leaders and lunch staff with have refresher training and evaluation sessions to refine the work they are doing at lunchtimes. Some of the money will be used to update PE equipment and particularly for the Early Years to ensure high quality continuous provision for physical development. Wake and Shake sessions, Boccia and Change for Life Clubs will continue this year to provide extra opportunities for PE for all. To increase the number of sporting competitions with other local schools and within the community specified staff time will be allocated to arrange the whole school calendar of events for this year.
We have thought carefully about the ways in which Horrington Primary School’s children would most benefit from the Government’s Sporting Grant. So far, we have worked alongside Somerset Activity Sports Partnership (SASP) to further improve our delivery of PE across the Key Stages, to help develop our PE curriculum and to prioritise areas for development. SASP coaches have worked alongside class teachers to co-deliver PE lessons, observed and developed the practice of the school’s PE teacher and led training for lunch staff and pupil in leading play at lunchtime. Pupil play leaders now lead play at lunchtime and lead a ‘Change for Life’ Club. Some of the money funds ‘Wake and Shake’ sessions which all pupils attend once a week just before the school day starts. We have purchased new sporting equipment for use at lunchtimes and in PE lessons. The school has purchased a planning and assessment tool to aid staff in planning and delivering high quality PE lessons. To further enhance PSHE and PE delivery and to support assessment (both teacher assessment and pupil self-assessment) the school is purchasing a C-Touch interactive board for use in the school hall. In addition, we have worked with the Disability manager at SASP to identify and plan for local options to support the inclusion of children with disabilities, and as a result we have purchased equipment for Boccia and set up a Boccia Club. Further training for school staff and pupils with SASP is planned for the Spring and Summer term 2015.